Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus 2025: Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Services Selection Board (RSMSSB) has released the application form for the post of Librarian. The official website of Rajasthan Librarian Recruitment is https://rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in. Candidates who have filled the application form for recruitment to the post of Rajasthan Librarian should have complete information about Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus 2025. If the candidate has complete information about Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus, then he can make his exam strategy according to the syllabus.
If you are serious about the exam, then you should have complete information about Rajasthan Librarian Recruitment 2025 Syllabus in detail because many candidates do not know till the time of examination that how many questions will be asked from which subject or how many questions will be asked from which topic. If you are serious about the exam, then you must solve Rajasthan Librarian previous year question paper.
If you solve Rajasthan Librarian previous year question paper, then you will know what type of questions have been asked in previous years, on the basis of which you can make your exam strategy. Apart from this, you will know in which topic you have good preparation and which topic you need to study well. All the candidates must solve the previous year question paper about 15 days before the exam.
In this article, complete information about Rajasthan Librarian Exam Syllabus is given in detail. Candidates who want to download the official PDF of Rajasthan Librarian syllabus can download Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus pdf from the download link given below. Apart from the information given in this article, if the candidate wants to get any other information related to Rajasthan Librarian syllabus, then he can ask his questions through the Facebook Messenger given below and can ask his questions in the comment box.
Rajasthan Librarian Selection Process 2025
Selection will be based on-
- Computer Based Exam.
Rajasthan Librarian Exam Pattern 2025
Rajasthan Librarian Paper I | |
Subjects | Ques/Marks |
Geographical, Historical, Cultural and general knowledge of Rajasthan |
100 Ques./200 Marks. |
Current Affairs of Rajasthan | |
General knowledge of world and India | |
Total | 100 Ques./200 Marks. |
Time Duration | 2 Hrs. |
Negative Marking | 01 Marks |
Minimum Qualifying |
Rajasthan Librarian Paper II | |
Subjects | Ques/Marks |
Subject Related | 100 Ques./200 Marks. |
Total | 100 Ques./200 Marks. |
Time Duration | 2 Hrs. |
Negative Marking | 01 Marks |
Minimum Qualifying |
Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus 2025 Paper I
Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus 2025: General Science; History, polity and geography of India; General knowledge, current affairs
- विज्ञान के सामान्य आधारभूत तत्व एवं दैनिक विज्ञान, मानव शरीर, आहार एवं पोषण, स्वास्थ्य देखभाल
- प्राचीन एवं मध्यकालीन भारत के इतिहास की प्रमुख विशेषताएँ एवं महत्वपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक (18वीं शताब्दी के मध्य से वर्तमान तक) घटनाएं
- भारतीय संविधान, राजनीतिक व्यवस्था एवं शासन प्रणाली, संवैधानिक विकास
- भारत की भौगोलिक विशेषताएं, पर्यावरणीय एवं पारिस्थितिकीय परिवर्तन एवं इनके प्रभाव
- समसामयिक राष्ट्रीय घटनायें
Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus 2025: Geography, History, culture, and polity of Rajasthan
- राजस्थान के इतिहास की महत्वपूर्ण ऐतिहासिक घटनाएँ,
- राजस्थान की प्रशासनिक व्यवस्था राज्यपाल, राज्य विधान सभा, उच्च न्यायालय, राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग, जिला प्रशासन, राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग, राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग, लोकायुक्त, राज्य सूचना आयोग, लोक नीति
- सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक मुद्दा।
- स्वतन्त्रता आन्दोलन, जन-जागरण एवं राजनीतिक एकीकरण।
- लोक कलाऐं, चित्रकलाऐं और हस्तशिल्प एवं स्थापत्य।
- मेले, त्यौहार, लोकसंगीत एवं लोकनृत्य।
- राजस्थानी संस्कृति एवं विरासत, साहित्य।
- राजस्थान के धार्मिक आख्यान, संत एवं लोकदेवता।
- महत्वपूर्ण पर्यटन स्थल ।
- राजस्थान के प्रमुख व्यक्तित्व ।
Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus 2025 Paper II
Rajasthan Librarian Syllabus 2025
- Universe of knowledge
- Structure and Attributes
- Modes of formation of subjects
- Different types of subjects
- Universe of subjects as mapped in different schemes of Classification.
- Bibliographic description.
- Catalog purpose, structure and types physical forms including OPAC filling rules.
- Normative principals of cataloging.
- Overview of principles of practice in document description.
- Current trends in standardization, description and exchange.
- Standard code of cataloging.
- Methods of knowledge organization.
- General theory of Library classification.
- Normative principles of classification and their applications.
- Species of Library classification.
- Standard schemes of classification and there features, CC, DDC, UDC.
- Notation: need, functions, characteristics.
- Design and development of schemes library classification, standard sub-division index. Trends in
- Library classification.
- Subject Classification
- Principles of subject classification.
- Subject heading lists and there features.
Rajasthan Librarian Vacancy 2025 Apply Link
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