Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025 Latest Air Force Y Group Syllabus PDF


Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025: Indian Air Force has issued an official notification for recruitment to Group X and Y posts. Those candidates who have filled out the application form for the examination for recruitment to the posts of Air Force X and Y, they should have complete knowledge of Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025. In this article, complete information about Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025 is explained in detail so that candidates can make their exam strategy according to the syllabus.

Many candidates do not know till the time of examination how many questions will be asked from which topic and what type of questions will be asked. Many candidates remain confused as to what type of questions and from which topic will be asked in the Y Group examination. Keeping all these things in mind, complete information about Air Force Y Group Syllabus is given in detail in this article.

Apart from this, all the candidates should download the Air Force Y Group Syllabus Hindi PDF and keep it with them. The link to download Air Force Y Group Syllabus in Hindi PDF is given below in the important download section. Candidates should click on that link to download the PDF of the official syllabus.

Important information related to Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025 and exam is as follows-

  • Air Force Y Group examination will be conducted online.
  • The question paper in this examination will be in both Hindi and English languages. But the English question paper will be in English language.
  • Candidates appearing for both Air Force Y Group and Air Force X Group examinations will have to appear for the examination in a single sitting on the same computer system. Candidates will not be given any time in between for both the examinations.

In this article, complete information related to Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025 is given in detail, apart from this, if candidates want to get some other information about Group Y Syllabus, then they can ask their questions in the comment box given below. All candidates must download the Air Force Y Group Syllabus PDF, the link of which is given on the web page.

Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025: Selection Process

Candidates applying for Air Force Y Group will be selected through 3 stages. These four steps are as follows

 Phase – I:

  • Online Test

 Phase – II:

  • Verification of Eligibility
  • Physical Fitness Test- PFT
  • Adaptability Test- I
  • Adaptability Test- II

Phase – III

  • Medical Examination


Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025: Exam Pattern


Phase-I Air Force Y Group Exam Pattern

Subjects Time

45 min.

Reasoning & General Awareness- RAGA
keep in mind:

  • There will be negative marking in this exam and 0.25 marks will be deducted as penalty for each wrong answer.
  • Each question will be of 1 mark.
  • According to the official notification page number 2, English subject questions will be asked as per CBSE 10+2 syllabus. That means, the candidates who prepare according to the CBSE board can get more benefits in the examination.
  • In the Air Force Y Group Question Paper, questions will be asked in both Hindi and English languages.


Phase-II  Air Force Y Group Exam Pattern: Phase-II 

 Verification of Eligibility

The candidates who will be shortlisted in the first stage examination will be subjected to eligibility verification. Eligibility verification will be conducted at the Airman Selection Center. Candidates will have to go to the Airman Selection Center with the following documents-

  • Colored print out of second phase admit card
  • Colored print out of duly filled application form on completion of online registration
  • HB pencil, eraser, sharpener, glue stick, stapler and black/blue ball point pen for writing
  • Eight copies of unattested passport size color photographs which were used while filling the online application form. (Eight copies of un-attested passport size color photograph)
  • Original 10th class pass certificate and its self-attested 4 photocopies.
  • Original pass certificate of Intermediate (12th) class and its self-attested 4 photocopies.
  • If you are an NCC candidate and you have A or B or C certificate of NCC, then you will have to carry four photocopies of that certificate and the original certificate.

 keep in mind:

  • Internet copy of mark sheet will not be valid, all candidates should carry the original copy only. If any candidate does not have the original mark sheet, then get it made now, which will be generated instantly through the internet.


Physical Fitness Test- PFT

Physical Fitness Test
Running 1.6 km (must be run in 6 minutes 30 seconds)
Push-up 10
                              Sit-ups 10
Squats 20
keep in mind:

  • As per the official notification, candidates are advised to bring their own sports shoes and shorts/track pants.
  • Before appearing in the Physical Efficiency Test/Medical Test, candidates for selection in IAF will sign an undertaking stating that no compensation will be given to the candidate in case of injury or accident.
  • If the age of the candidate is below 18 years then this consent form will be signed by the parents of the candidate.


Adaptability Test- I

  • Candidates who qualify the Physical Fitness Test will get a chance to participate in Adaptability Test-I.
  • The suitability test will be an objective type written test in which the suitability of the candidate will be assessed.
  • The purpose of this examination is to assess the suitability of a candidate for employment in the Indian Air Force which involves deployment in various geographical terrains, weather and operational conditions.

 Adaptability Test- II

  • All candidates who qualify Adaptability Test-I will have to undergo Adaptability Test-II as per the prevailing policy.
  • Adaptability Test-II is to select those candidates who can adapt to the Indian Air Force environment and are able to adjust their life to the Army way of life.


Phase-III  (Air Force Y Group Exam Pattern: Phase-II )

Candidates who qualify the Adaptability Test-II will be invited for medical examination. Medical tests will be conducted at the Medical Boarding Centre.

The medical examination will also include the following baseline tests-

  • Blood Haemogram – Hb, TLC, DLC
  • Urine RE/ME
  • Biochemistry :-(i) Blood Sugar Fasting & PP (ii) Serum Cholesterol (iii) Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine (iv) LFT—Serum Bilirubin, SGOT, SGPT
  • X- Ray chest (PA view) (e) ECG (R) (f) Tests for Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Abuse.
  • Any other tests necessary in the opinion of the medical officer may also be conducted.
  • If a candidate is found unfit in the medical test, he can appeal again to the Medical Board by paying an application fee of ₹ 40.


Air Force Y Group Syllabus 202: English

A short passage followed by four questions to test comprehension.

The questions will be set :

  • To judge understanding of the passage.
  • To draw inference
  • To judge understanding of vocabulary

Grammar – 1

  • Subject – verb concord
  • Forms of verbs and errors in the use of verbs, etc.
  • Sequence of tenses and errors in the use of tenses
  • Transformation of sentences – Compound, Complex, Simple, Negative, Affirmative, Comparative degree, Positive degree, Superlative degree etc.

Grammar – 2

  • Formation of words – Nouns from verbs and adjectives, Adjectives from nouns and verbs, Adverbs from adjectives etc
  • Determiners
  • The Preposition
  • Nouns and Pronouns
  • The Adjective
  • The Adverb
  • The Conjunction
  • The Modals
  • Clauses – Noun clauses, Adverb clauses of condition and time and Relative clauses


  • Synonyms and Synonyms in context
  • Antonyms and Antonyms in context
  • One word substitution
  • Spelling pitfalls
  • Simple Idioms/phrases
  • Words often confused/Selecting the correct word fitting in a sentence

 Narration (Direct and Indirect)

  • Commands and requests
  • Statements (Various tenses)
  • Questions (Various forms of questions, tenses, etc.)

 Voice (Active and Passive)

  • Changes required under each tense.
  • Other conditions for transforming Active into Passive
  1. The Preposition
  2. Modal auxiliaries
  3. Infinitive
  4. Participles

 Jumbled Sentences


Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025: Reasoning & General Awareness- RAGA

Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025: Reasoning (Verbal and Non- Verbal )

  • संख्यात्मक श्रृंखला (Numerical series)
  • दूरी और दिशा भावना परीक्षण (Distance and Direction sense Test)
  • गणितीय संचालन (Mathematical Operations)
  • नंबर, रैंकिंग और समय अनुक्रम टेस्ट (Number, Ranking & Time Sequence Test)
  • गणितीय अंकों के लिए कृत्रिम मान निर्दिष्ट (Assign Artificial Values to Mathematical Digit)
  • सही गणितीय संकेत सम्मिलित करना (Inserting Correct Mathematical sign)
  • मानवीय संबंध (Human relation)
  • कोडिंग और डिकोडिंग (Coding & Decoding)
  • असंगत अलग करें (Odd man out)
  • आपसी संबंध समस्या (Mutual relation problems)
  • सबसे छोटे, सबसे छोटे से संबंधित प्रश्न (Tallest, youngest relations)
  • शब्दकोश (Dictionary woods)
  • सादृश्य (Analogy)
  • गैर-मौखिक तर्क (Non- Verbal reasoning)
  • नंबर कोडिंग (Number coding)
  • संख्या पहेली (Number Puzzle)


Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025: Mathematics

  • अनुपात एवं समानुपात (Ratio and Proportion)
  • औसत (Average)
  • लघुत्तम समापवर्तक और महत्तम समापवर्तक (LCM & HCF)
  • लाभ और हानि (Profit and Loss)
  • समय, दूरी और चाल (Time, Distance and Speed)
  • प्रतिशतता (Percentage)
  • संख्याओं का सरलीकरण (Simplifications of Numbers)
  • अंश (Fractions)
  • त्रिभुज का क्षेत्रफल (Area of triangle)
  • वर्ग और आयत (Square and Rectangle)
  • घनाभ की सतह क्षेत्र और आयतन (Surface Area and volume of Cuboids)
  • सिलेंडर,शंकु और क्षेत्र (Cylinder, Cone and Sphere)
  • प्रायिकता (Probability)
  • सरल त्रिकोणमिति (Simple Trigonometry)


Air Force Y Group Syllabus 2025: General Knowledge and Current Affairs

  • सामान्य विज्ञान (General Science)
  • नागरिक शास्त्र (Civics)
  • भूगोल (Geography)
  •  वर्तमान घटनाएं (Current Events)
  •  इतिहास (History)
  •  सामान्य कंप्यूटर संचालन (Basic Computer Operations)


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