Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus 2025: Bank of India has released the application form for the post of Apprentice. The official website of Bank of India Recruitment is
Candidates who have filled the application form for recruitment to the post of Bank of India Apprentice should have complete information about Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus 2025. If the candidate has complete information about the Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus, then he can make his exam strategy according to the syllabus. If you are serious about the exam, then you should have complete information about the Bank of India Apprentice Recruitment 2025 Syllabus in detail, because many candidates do not know till the time of the examination, how many questions will be asked from which subject or how many questions will be asked from which topic. If you are serious about the exam, then you must solve Bank of India Apprentice Previous Year Question Papers.
If you solve the Bank of India Apprentice previous year question paper, then you will know what type of questions have been asked in previous years, based on which you can make your exam strategy. Apart from this, you will know in which topic you have good preparation and which topic you need to read well. All the candidates must solve the previous year’s question paper about 15 days before the exam.
Complete information about Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus is given in detail in this article, candidates who want to download the official PDF of Bank of India Apprentice exam syllabus, download the syllabus PDF from the download link given below. Apart from the information given in this article, if the candidate wants to get any other information related to Bank of India Apprentice ka syllabus 2025, then he can ask his questions through the Facebook Messenger given below and can ask his questions in the comment box.
Bank of India Apprentice Selection Process 2025
Selection for engagement of apprentices would be based on
- Online written test
- Test of local language
Bank of India Apprentice Exam Pattern 2025
Subjects | Ques. | Marks |
General / Financial Awareness | 25 | 25 |
English Language | 25 | 25 |
Quantitative & Reasoning Aptitude | 25 | 25 |
Computer Knowledge | 25 | 25 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Time | 90 minutes | |
Test Language | English and Hindi |
Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus 2025
Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus 2025: Computer Knowledge
Computer Skills
- Fundamentals of computers
- Memory
- Hard Disk
- Input/Output Devices
- knowledge of the Number System
The basic concept of Computer (Hardware & Software)
- Computer Software
- Operating System
- Computer language
Basic knowledge of MS Office
- MS Word
- MS Excel
- MS Powerpoint
Basic knowledge of the Internet
- Web browser
- Search Engines
- Web servers
Basic knowledge of computer network
Basic knowledge of cyber security
- Viruses, Malware, etc.
- Warm
- Internet security
- Network security
- Firewall
Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus 2025: English Language
- Vocabulary
- Sentence Structure
- Synonyms and their correct usage
- Antonyms and their correct usage
- Spot the Error
- Fill in the Blanks
- Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words
- Idioms & Phrases
- One word substitution
- Improvement of Sentences
- Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs
- Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration
- Shuffling of Sentence parts
- Shuffling of Sentences in a Passage
- Cloze Passage
- Comprehension Passage
Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus 2025: General / Financial Awareness
- History: History of banking in India, banking regulations, and banking reforms
- Financial institutions: Financial institutions in India, international financial institutions, and the structure of the banking industry
- Banking products and services: Types of bank accounts, types of loans, and types of mortgages
- Banking technology: Banking abbreviations, banking technology, and SWIFT codes for banks
- Current affairs: Current affairs related to banking, financial, and economic news, and government policies
- Banking terms: Banking terms, RBI policies, and banking abbreviations
- Money laundering: Money laundering, anti-money laundering, and the Prevention of Money Laundering Act
- Foreign exchange: Foreign exchange regulation, foreign banks in India, and types of foreign accounts
Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus 2025: Mathematics
- Number System (संख्या पद्धति)
- LCM & HCM (म.स.प. एवं ल.स.प.)
- Cube and Cube Roots (घन एवं घनमूल)
- Fractions and Decimal Numbers (भिन्न एवं दशमलव संख्याएँ)
- Simplification (सरलीकरण)
- Average (औसत)
- Ratio and Proportion (अनुपात एवं समानुपात)
- Age-Related Questions (आयु सम्बन्धी प्रश्न)
- Percentage (प्रतिशतता)
- Profit-Loss and Discount (लाभ-हानि एवं बट्टा)
- Partnership and Mixture (साझेदारी/मिश्रण)
- Time and Work (समय और कार्य)
- Pipes and Tanks (पाइप और टंकी)
- Simple Interest (साधारण ब्याज)
- Compound Interest (चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज)
- Time, Speed , and Distance (समय, चाल एवं दूरी)
- Questions Related to Train, Bus and Car (रेलगाड़ी, बस और कार से सम्बन्धित प्रश्न)
- Questions Related to Boat and Stream (नाव एवं धारा से सम्बन्धित प्रश्न)
- Statistics (सांख्यिकी)
- Data Analysis (आंकड़ों का विश्लेषण)
- Area of Plane Figures (समतलीय आकृतियाँ का क्षेत्रफल)
- Surface Area and Volume (पृष्ठीय क्षेत्रफल एवं आयतन)
- Algebra (बीजगणित)
- Trigonometry (त्रिकोणमिति)
Bank of India Apprentice Syllabus 2025: General Intelligence and Reasoning
- Alphabet Test (वर्णमाला परीक्षण)
- Alphanumeric Series (अल्फ़ान्यूमेरिक श्रृंखला)
- Analogy (सादृश्य)
- Arrangement and Pattern (व्यवस्था और पैटर्न)
- Assertion and Reason (अभिकथन और कारण)
- Blood Relations (रक्त संबंध)
- Causes and Effects (कारण और प्रभाव)
- Circular Arrangement (वृत्ताकार व्यवस्था)
- Coded Inequalities (कोडित असमानताएँ)
- Coding-Decoding (कोडिंग-डिकोडिंग)
- Data Sufficiency (डेटा पर्याप्तता)
- Decision Making (निर्णय लेना)
- Direction and Distance (दिशा और दूरी)
- Direction Sense Test (दिशा बोध परीक्षण)
- Figure Series Test (आकृति श्रृंखला परीक्षण)
- Inequality (असमानता)
- Input-Output (इनपुट-आउटपुट)
- Logical Reasoning (तार्किक तर्क)
- Odd man out (विषम व्यक्ति)
- Ordering and Ranking (क्रम और रैंकिंग)
- Ranking and Time (पहेली और व्यवस्था)
- Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test (रैंकिंग/दिशा/वर्णमाला परीक्षण)
- Seating Arrangement (बैठने की व्यवस्था)
- Series Test (श्रृंखला परीक्षण)
- Statement and Arguments (कथन और तर्क)
- Statement and Assumption (कथन और धारणा)
- Statement and Conclusion (कथन और निष्कर्ष)
- Syllogism (न्यायवाक्य)
- Tabulation (सारणी)
- Verbal Reasoning (मौखिक तर्क)
- Word Formation (शब्द निर्माण)
Bank of India Apprentice Recruitment 2025 Apply Link
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