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OPSC Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025 Download PDF


OPSC Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025: Odisha Public Service Commission has announced recruitment for the posts of Assistant Soil Conservation Officer. Candidates who have filled the application form of Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Exam must have complete knowledge of Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025. If the candidate has complete knowledge of Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025 then he can make his exam strategy well according to the syllabus.

In this article, complete information about OPSC Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025 has been given in detail so that all the candidates can make their exam strategy according to the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus. Many candidates do not know till the time of examination what type of questions will be asked in the examination and how many questions will be asked from which topic.

In such a situation, if you are serious about the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Examination, then you should have complete information about OPSC Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025 in detail. In today’s very competitive environment, if you do not know the syllabus then you cannot do anything good in the examination.

Because you can assume that lakhs of candidates must have applied for the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Examination, in such a situation, if you prepare according to the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus, then your chances of getting selected increase. In this article, complete information about Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus is given in detail like Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025, Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Exam Pattern 2025, information about Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Minimum Qualifying Marks etc. All candidates should download OPSC Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025.

The link to download Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus Hindi PDF is given below in the important download section, candidates should go to that section and download the PDF of the syllabus. If any candidate is facing any kind of problem or difficulty in downloading the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus PDF, then he can tell in the comment box given below. Graduate pass candidates can apply for Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Examination. In this examination all the candidates from all over India can fill the application form.

If you are going to appear in the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment exam then you must have complete knowledge of the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025. Those candidates whose age is between 21 years to 32 years are eligible to appear in Bihar Police Fireman Recruitment Examination.

Age relaxation will be given to reserved category candidates by Odisha Public Service Commission. Apart from the information given in this article related to Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus, if the candidates want to get any other information related to it, then they can ask their questions in the comment box given below.

OPSC Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025: Selection Process

  • Candidates will be selected in Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Examination through written examination and interview.


OPSC Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025: Exam Pattern

Unit  Marks
General Agriculture 20 
Natural Resources 20 
Soil Forming Process 20 
Weather and crop Growth 20 
Economic Importance 20 
Total 100 


Unit  Marks
Agroforestry 20 
Rainfed Agriculture  20 
Soil and Water Conservation 20 
Wasteland 20 
Protected Cultivation 20 
Total 100 


  • There will be 2 question papers in the written examination, Question Paper-1 and Question Paper-2.
  • Both Question Paper-1 and Question Paper-2 will be of total 100-100 marks.
  • Each question will be of 1 mark.
  • The time duration of the written examination will be 1 ½ hours.


OPSC Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025


सामान्य कृषि (General Agriculture)

  • महत्त्व (Importance )
  • कृषि और संबद्ध क्षेत्रों में रुझान (Trend in agriculture and allied sectors )
  • वर्तमान में समस्याएं और उपचारात्मक उपाय (Present day problems and remedial measures)
  • सरकारी नीतियां (Government policies )

प्राकृतिक संसाधन (Natural Resources)

  • भूमि (Land)
  • पानी (Water)
  • जंगल (Forest)
  • ऊर्जा – उनका उपयोग, शोषण, संरक्षण (Energy – their use, exploitation, conservation )
  • स्थायी जीवन शैली के लिए संसाधनों का न्यायसंगत उपयोग (equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyle )
  • प्लांट इकोसिस्टम; जैव विविधता और उसका संरक्षण (Plant Ecosystem; Biodiversity and its conservation)
  • पर्यावरण प्रदूषण (Environmental Pollution)
  • प्राकृतिक आपदाएँ और उनका प्रबंधन (Natural Disasters and their management)
  • जैविक खेती और सतत कृषि (Organic farming and Sustainable agriculture)
  • संरक्षण कृषि (Conservation agriculture )
  • कृषि अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन (Agricultural waste management )
  • जलवायु परिवर्तन और कृषि (Climate change and agriculture)

मिट्टी बनाने की प्रक्रिया (Soil Forming Process)

  • मिट्टी के भौतिक गुण: बनावट, संरचना, घनत्व और छिद्र (Soil physical properties: texture, structure, density and porosity)
  • मृदा जल प्रतिधारण (Soil water retention)
  • आंदोलन और उपलब्धता (movement and availability)
  • मिट्टी की प्रतिक्रिया-पीएच (Soil reaction-pH)
  • मिट्टी की अम्लता और क्षारीयता (soil acidity and alkalinity)
  • मिट्टी कार्बनिक पदार्थ: मिट्टी के गुणों और मिट्टी की उर्वरता पर प्रभाव (Soil organic matter: influence on soil properties and soil fertility)
  • मृदा जीव: स्थूल और सूक्ष्म जीव, उनके लाभकारी और हानिकारक प्रभाव (Soil organisms: macro and micro organisms, their beneficial and harmful effects)
  • मृदा प्रदूषण: कीटनाशकों और अकार्बनिक प्रदूषणों का व्यवहार, मृदा प्रदूषण की रोकथाम और शमन (Soil pollution: behaviour of pesticides and inorganic contaminants, prevention and mitigation of soil pollution)
  • मिट्टी की गुणवत्ता और स्वास्थ्य (Soil quality and health)

मौसम और फसल की वृद्धि (Weather and crop Growth)

  • जुताई (Tillage and tilth )
  • बीज और बुवाई (Seed and sowing )
  • फसल प्रणाली और एकीकृत खेती प्रणाली (Cropping systems and Integrated Farming Systems)
  • फसल पोषण-आवश्यक पोषक तत्व- पौधों में उनके कार्य और कमी के लक्षण (Crop nutrition-essential nutrients- their functions and deficiency symptoms in plants)
  • पोषक तत्व स्रोत-जैविक खाद-उर्वरक-जैव उर्वरक-एकीकृत पोषक प्रबंधन (Nutrient sources-organic manures-fertilizers-biofertilizers-Integrated Nutrient Management)
  • खेत, बागवानी और वृक्षारोपण फसलों, पौधों की सुरक्षा में पानी और खरपतवार प्रबंधन (Water and weed management in field, horticultural and plantation crops, Plant protection)
  • कटाई, भंडारण और मूल्य संवर्धन (Harvesting, storage and value addition)

आर्थिक महत्व (Economic Importance)

  • आर्थिक महत्व (Economic importance)
  • महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र की फसलों का उत्पादन और संरक्षण तकनीक- चावल, मक्का, उंगली बाजरा, दाल और तिलहन, कपास, गन्ना, आलू (production and protection technology of important field crops- rice, maize, finger millet, pulses and oilseeds, cotton, sugarcane, potato)
  • फल और वृक्षारोपण फसलों का महत्व और दायरा – फल और वृक्षारोपण फसलों की खेती के लिए उत्पादन और संरक्षण तकनीकें-आम, केला, साइट्रस, अमरूद, लीची, पपीता, अनानास, अनार, कटहल, नारियल, एरेका नट, काजू, चाय, कॉफी , रबर (Importance and scope of fruit and plantation crops – production and protection technologies for the cultivation of fruit and plantation crops-mango, banana, citrus, guava, litchi, papaya, pineapple, pomegranate, jackfruit, coconut, areca nut, cashew, tea, coffee, rubber)
  • नर्सरी तकनीक और उनका प्रबंधन (Nursery techniques and their management)
  • पोषण उद्यान (Nutrition garden)


एग्रोफोरेस्टरी (Agroforestry)

  • उद्देश्य और क्षमता (objectives and potential)
  • एग्रोफोरेस्ट्री प्रणाली- उप-प्रणाली और अभ्यास (Agroforestry system- sub-system and practice )
  • एग्रोफोरेस्ट्री-बाधाओं के लिए योजना (Planning for agroforestry-constraints )
  • निदान और डिजाइन पद्धति (diagnosis and design methodology)
  • कृषि वानिकी के लिए पेड़ की फसल प्रजातियों का चयन (selection of tree crop species for agro forestry)
  • खाद्य, चारा, ईंधन और पोषण सुरक्षा के लिए एग्रोफोरेस्ट्री (Agroforestry for food, feed, fuel and nutritional security)
  • मृदा सुधार-कार्बन सीवेज (soil improvement-carbon sequestration)
  • माइक्रोकलाइम अम्लीकरण (microclimate amelioration)
  • औद्योगिक आवश्यकता (industrial requirement )
  • भारतीय दृष्टिकोण में इकोटूरिज्म-अवधारणा और महत्व (Ecotourism-concept and importance in Indian perspectives)

बरसाती कृषि (Rainfed Agriculture) 

  • वर्षा आधारित कृषि: समस्याएं और संभावनाएं (Rainfed agriculture: problems and prospects)
  • वर्षा का विश्लेषण (Rainfall analysis )
  • सूखा-वर्गीकरण, कारण और प्रभाव, सूखा प्रबंधन रणनीति (Drought-classification, causes and impacts, drought management strategy)
  • फसल और फसल प्रणाली (Crops and cropping systems)
  • मिट्टी की नमी और वर्षा जल संरक्षण-इन-सीटू और पूर्व सीटू भंडारण (soil moisture and rain water conservation-in-situ and ex-situ storage)
  • जल संचयन और पुनर्चक्रण (water harvesting and recycling)
  • आकस्मिक मौसम की स्थिति में आकस्मिक फसल योजना (contingent crop planning under aberrant weather conditions)
  • सूखी घास की बागवानी (dryland horticulture)
  • भूमि क्षमता वर्गों और हाइड्रोलॉजिकल डेटा के आधार पर वाटरशेड योजना (Watershed planning based on land capability classes and hydrologic data)
  • वाटरशेड परिसीमन और प्राथमिकता (watershed delineation and prioritization )
  • वाटरशेड में पानी का बजट (Water budgeting in a watershed)
  • एकीकृत वाटरशेड प्रबंधन-अवधारणा, उद्देश्य घटक (Integrated watershed management-concept, objectives components)
  • कृषि योग्य भूमि – कृषि और बागवानी (arable lands – agriculture and horticulture )
  • गैर कृषि योग्य भूमि – वानिकी, मत्स्य और पशुपालन (non-arable lands – forestry, fishery and animal husbandry)
  • जलग्रहण कार्यक्रम – निष्पादन, अनुवर्ती अभ्यास, रखरखाव, निगरानी और मूल्यांकन (Watershed programme – execution, follow-up practices, maintenance, monitoring and evaluation)
  • सहभागी वाटरशेड प्रबंधन – वाटरशेड संघों, उपयोगकर्ता समूहों और स्वयं सहायता समूहों की भूमिका (Participatory watershed management – role of watershed associations, user groups and self-help groups)
  • लागत-लाभ विश्लेषण सहित वाटरशेड प्रबंधन कार्यक्रम के लिए परियोजना प्रस्ताव की योजना और निर्माण (Planning and formulation of project proposal for watershed management programme including cost-benefit analysis)

मृदा और जल संरक्षण (Soil and Water Conservation)

  • मिट्टी और जल संरक्षण – मुद्दे और महत्व (Soil and water conservation – issues and importance)
  • मृदा अपरदन के कारण और कारक (Causes and agents of soil erosion )
  • पानी का क्षरण: जल-संबंधी चक्र, वर्षा और इसके रूप, अपवाह अनुमान, जल अपरदन का रूप (Water erosion: Hydrologic cycle, precipitation and its forms, Runoff estimation, Forms of water erosion )
  • गली वर्गीकरण और नियंत्रण के उपाय (Gully classification and control measures )
  • कटाव नियंत्रण के सिद्धांत: कंटूरिंग, स्ट्रिप क्रॉपिंग, कंटूर बंडल, ग्रेडेड बंडल और बेंच टैररिंग, घास के पानी के तरीके और उनके डिजाइन का परिचय (Principles of erosion control: Introduction to contouring, strip cropping, contour bund, graded bund and bench terracing, grassed waterways and their design )
  • जल संचयन-सिद्धांत (Water harvesting-principles )
  • महत्व और तकनीक: अपवाह कटाई-अल्पकालिक और दीर्घकालिक तकनीक ( )
  • जल संचयन संरचनाएँ – खेत तालाब-खलिहान तालाब-खोदा-बाहर और तटबंध जलाशय प्रकार, टैंक और उप-प्रक्षेत्र (Water harvesting structures – farm ponds-percolation pond-dug-out and embankment reservoir types, tanks and subsurface dykes )
  • पवन अपरदन: पवन अपरदन की यांत्रिकी (Wind erosion: mechanics of wind erosion )
  • मिट्टी की आवाजाही के प्रकार (types of soil movement )
  • पवन कटाव नियंत्रण और इसके नियंत्रण के सिद्धांत (Principles of wind erosion control and its control measures )

बंजर (Wasteland)

  • बंजर भूमि-कारण (Wasteland-causes )
  • वितरण और स्थायी बंजर भूमि का विकास- सरकार की नीतियां (distribution and sustainable wasteland development- Government policies)
  • सहभागी दृष्टिकोण (Participatory approach)
  • मृदा संरक्षण संरचनाएं, वनीकरण, शिफ्टिंग खेती, इष्टतम भूमि उपयोग विकल्प (Soil conservation structures, Afforestation, Shifting cultivation, Optimal land use options)
  • लवणीय, क्षारीय, अम्ल, जलयुक्त, उत्सर्जित, संकुचित, प्रदूषित, प्रदूषित मृदा और खदानों का पुनर्ग्रहण (Reclamation of Saline, Sodic, Acid, Waterlogged, Eroded, Compacted, Flooded, Polluted soils and Mine spoils)
  • मरुस्थलीकरण-प्रभाव और कारण, रोकथाम और नियंत्रण के उपाय (Desertification-impact and causes, prevention and control measures)
  • बहुउद्देशीय वृक्ष प्रजातियों के माध्यम से मिट्टी का जैव उपचार (Bio remediation of soils through multipurpose tree species)
  • भूमि क्षमता और भूमि उपयुक्तता वर्गीकरण (Land capability and land suitability classification)

संरक्षित खेती (protected Cultivation)

  • संरक्षित खेती: महत्व और गुंजाइश, नियंत्रित स्थिति, विधि और तकनीक, चंदवा प्रबंधन, सिंचाई और प्रजनन, तरल उर्वरक और उनकी घुलनशीलता और अनुकूलता, कीट कीट और रोग प्रबंधन (Protected cultivation : importance and scope, controlled conditions, method and techniques, canopy management, Irrigation and fertigation, liquid fertilisers and their solubility and compatibility, insect pest and disease management)
  • गुणवत्ता वाले रोपण सामग्रियों का उत्पादन, उच्च मूल्य की फसलों की खेती और ग्रीन हाउसों में ऑफ-सीजन उत्पादन (Production of quality planting materials, cultivation of high value crops and off-season production in green houses)
  • सटीक खेती के घटक: रिमोट सेंसिंग, भौगोलिक सूचना प्रणाली (जीआईएस), डिफरेंशियल जियो पोजिशनिंग सिस्टम (डीजीपीएस), वेरिएबल रेट एप्लीकेटर (वीआरए), कृषि में सटीक खेती के अनुप्रयोग (Components of precision farming: Remote sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS), Differential Geo-positioning System (DGPS), Variable Rate applicator (VRA), application of precision farming in agriculture)


FAQs Related to Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus

Question 1. What is the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus?

Answer: Questions related to agriculture and soil conservation will be asked in Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus, for complete information read this article completely.

Question 2. According to the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus, how many questions will be asked in the written exam?

Answer: According to Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus, a total of 200 questions will be asked in the written examination.

Question 3. What is the exam pattern of Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Exam?

Answer: In the exam pattern of Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Examination, firstly the written examination will be conducted and after that the interview will be conducted.

Question.4. What are the total marks required to qualify in the written examination of Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment 2025?

Answer: No information has been given about the qualifying marks in the written examination of Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment 2025.

Question.5. How to Download Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025 PDF?

Answer: Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025 PDF is given in the important link section, interested candidates should go to the important link section and download it.

Question.6. How many total questions will be asked in the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Examination?

Answer: A total of 100 questions will be asked in the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Examination.

Question.7. Will there be negative marking in Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Exam?

Answer: No official information has been given about negative marking in Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Recruitment Examination.

Question.8. What is the education qualification to apply for the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Exam?

Answer: To apply for Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer examination, it is mandatory for the candidate to have passed graduation.

Question.9. How to Download Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus PDF in Hindi?

Answer: Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus 2025 PDF is given in the important link section, interested candidates should go to the important link section and download it.

Question.10. In which 2 languages will the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer exam be conducted?

Answer: No information has been given about the language of Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer exam.

Question.12. What is the Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus?

Answer: Questions related to agriculture and soil conservation will be asked in Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus, for complete information read this article completely.

Question.13. According to Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus, from which subjects questions will be asked?

Answer: According to Orissa Assistant Soil Conservation Officer Syllabus, questions will be asked from subjects related to agriculture and soil conservation.


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